Insurance Discount was developed by Dr. Philip P. Taylor, JD, PhD, to GIVE homeowners and renters a way to reduce insurance costs, and to enable insurance companies a way to reduce the risks and liabilities associated with insuring households with pets and animals. In 2019, dog bites and related injuries alone accounted for one-third of all homeowners’ insurance claims costing more than $796.8 million. That cost is astronomical!

Many, if not most, of the claims could have been avoided. Unfortunately, policy holders and insurance companies did not have ready and easy access to important, preventative information. provides policy holders and insurance companies the ready and easily accessible information that could result in the reduction, if not near elimination, of such astronomical claims costs. Ask your insurance company representative or agent if you can receive a premium discount for completing the class. You and your insurance company may benefit from taking the class the same way drivers and car insurance companies both benefit from drivers taking a defensive driving class. That’s why we at say that it is:

The Original Defensive Driving Class … for Pet Owners!®

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